
Saturday, November 30, 2019

Finishing post in sight. All about V.

So whilst this month has not been a perfect 30/30 it has not been quite as bad as previous years. I have promised to do a post about V. having done one about A. so to ensure no sibling arguments I will take advantage of the opportunity do so now.

As mentioned in previous posts V has had a tough 6 months having managed to break her leg (tibia and fibula) in a trampoline accident in June.

In consequence our Summer holiday plans underwent a considerable change although ultimately we managed to get to Spain with my Sisters family although V's mobility was still curtailed and it has only really been in the last 6 to 8 weeks that she has started to get back to normal. Whilst school and other activities have been challenging, V has been staying occupied with a huge amount of drawing and painting and despite some wobbles has been putting on a brave face.

She is naturally quite an active person - moving and dancing around is her default mode even in quiet periods so enforced immobility has been a big trial but she is working hard to meet these challenges and whilst it has not been easy for her (trying to get around school on crutches or in a wheelchair is never straigthforward) it has been a great testament to her strength of character in the way she has dealt with it.

She is a great fan and participant of the debate club (her team won best junior debaters at the National challenge last week) and her teachers were were very complementary at the recent parant/ teacher evening despite having missed a lot of school due to her leg and related problems.

She still loves drawing and art and she will also muck in with the cooking. She is happy to have a chat about anything that takes her fancy and in contrast to her brother is not backwards in coming forwards if there is anything to be said. She has a good circle of friends at school although as with A. some have left recently but all in all she is getting on well and on the road to recovey after a trying Summer.

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