
Friday, November 19, 2010


I have always enjoyed Barbies. The English climate does not really lend itself to them save for a small number of days in the Summer but here in the desert we have just complete a run of three on consecutive evenings with last night's being especially successful - Indian tiger prawns with chorizo sausage on skewers. The prawns were from Spinneys where they clean and gut them for you - it was based on something we had last week at our next door neighbour's BBQ ad I simply cut up some chorizo and smoothered the whole lot in garlic butter. Tasted great.

In HK our balcony was so small that, even if the building regulations had permitted a BBQ, there was insufficient space to allow a BBQ and the cook to be on the balcony at the same time (unless the cook was actually standing on the BBQ). We did however manage a couple of excellent seafood barbies with friends at Sai Kung (which are described at ). Spinneys is not quite Sai Kung wet fish market (on one occasion we memorably bought some frogs to cook following an extensive bit of haggling in cantonese). However, it does have a very good selection of prawns and other shellfish.

Going further back in time, my BBQ habit was formed during Summer holidays in my twenties to various camp sites around South and South West France where we took full advantage of the range of food products that the French used to indulge their own BBQ habit.

The key with all these things is having the right climate. There is nothing better than sitting outside on a balmy Summer's evening with a nice glass of wine or cool beer soaking up the aromas of freshly cooked food.

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