I cannot believe that I have not posted since January! (Actually given my extremely sporadic attendance on this blog I guess it is not so surprising). It is now 2 November and that means the challenge to post every day for a month has come around once again - and I have already missed the first day! I will make up for this by making no fewer than 2 posts today and the focus of this one is the fact that last time I posted it had been raining here in the Sandpit and lo and behold last night we had what appears to be a fairly substantial downpour judging by the puddles around the Villa when I left this morning - the first since before Summer. In fact there had been some talk of rain earlier in the week due to a tropical storm making landfall in Oman - fortunately, as we had taken a couple of days off at the Kempin.ski in Ajman as it was half term for the kids, this did not eventuate so we had sunshine all the way for a lovely couple of days (which also included a sighting of a huge crab - or at least its claw as that was all that was visible from its hiding plce in the rocky promontory demarking the edge of the Hotel beach - as well as numerous fish). Nce hotel which we ahve cvisited beofre and whcih is very handy for howm - around an hour's drive dependign on traffic.
Apart from the rain, last night also signalled our delayed Hallowe'een party (BBQ and apple bobbing as well as carving what was a very convincing Harry Pumpkin designed by V and knife handiwork by yours truly). We had been invited to DOSC (Sailing Club) on Friday for a party for one of V's school chums so the festivities in Safa Towers had to be delayed. Yesterday also signalled a return to Al Safa Park footy - after a Summer of inddor football in Al Quoz this was the first outdoor game. It was not a terrific success from my perspective - having not played since the beginning of September after the indoor pitch had casused my knee to start twinging this was my first runaround for a couple of months and boy did it show - some absolutely terrible schoolboy errors (compounded by no contact lenses so not ony was I almost immobile but I could not see the ball properly ..... at my age that is not a great combination although I did manage to score a goal getting on the end of a cross affter breaking from defence so it was not a complete disaster. Must do better at the Partners v Staff gme later this week....).
Apart for the post a day challenge it is also Mou'vember - raising money for charity by growing a moustache which E. challenged me to do yesterday. So two challenges at once - let's see how I do.
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