
Sunday, November 23, 2014

All about A.

Having done a post on V, I now turn to No. 1 son A. He is still a very charming lad who loves his sport (mainly football now that cricket has stopped in Safa park) and Minecraft. He start big school this year and seems to have made a good transition from primary (where he was in all the sports teams and tended to be among the best in the year for athletics and sport) to Secondary where he is one of a large number of talented students (both sporting and academic). A. is stillvery engaging when he wants to be and it always up for a chat about the days events (unless he is buried in a book or the PC). He always participates whole heartedly in the latest trends - so Match Attax cards were replaced by the plastic bands/bracelets that were all the rage until the summer and Minecraft as previously mentioned still features heavily in leisure activities. He remains an avid reader - a lot of fantasy novels (mainly about warrior cats and HP) but also some Michael Morpugo. He still enjoys Science (doing an ECA at School on a Thursday) and is still playing the piano (although we could perhaps be seeing a little more practice....). Unlike his Sister, A seems to be taking after his Mother's side of the family in terms of size - he is not exactly short but he is not particularly tall which I guess will assist him if he ever wants to be a long distance runner! He still kicks with either his left or right foot in football which will definitely remain an asset. All in all he is a jolly good chap and a real pleasure to have around.

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