
Thursday, November 13, 2014

All about V.

Having talked about the (potential) genesis of V's name I thought that I would do a more general post on how she is getting along. She is as much a force of nature as she ever was although perhaps a little more restrained in her approach to life although still takes no prisoners if she is upset. She has settled in well at her new school and has been doing very well both academically and also in the sporting environment. She is an avid reader (we have had a couple of major discussions about why she is not allowed to read HP Half Blood Prince during my current HP-fest) and is taking after her brother in the speed that she demolishes books. She is very happy in her own company although she and A (mainly) get on very well together - whether in relation to their shared obsession with Minecraft or playing together generally. She seems to be a little reserved at school and does not have any particalr "best" friends and at home (if not reading or playing minecraft) she is happy enough in her own little world dancing around the room day dreaming. Unfortunately the cricket at Safa Park has now stopped as at the end of June this year (possibly because of the canal related works)as she and A used to really enjoy this on a Saturday morning and we still have the various cricket balls that they both won on occasions dotted around the house. She does athletics, cookery and netball as her after school activities and seems to enjoy them all (she is certainly someone who goes a little stir crazy if she does is not running around and burning off some energy). She still prefers pasta, gravy, pork and rice as her main food groups although does not say no to prawn and lobster. She is very tall for her age which stands her in good stead for the competitive sports and she enjoys singing and dancing (she and her cousin N did a great video to Katy Perry's Roar during the Summer). She is very engaging when she is in the mood and currenlty has aspirations to be an author. She still belongs to the nevery explain never apologise school of diplomacy when things are not going her way but generally she is a very engaging and loving daughter and we cold not ask for more.

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