
Thursday, November 25, 2021


I am sure that I have previously written about our love affair with Hastings but I hope my reader (s) will forgive another pean to it’s continuing position as a source of delight and (excellent) crabs. 

Whilst my early relationship with the town was somewhat rocky - mainly in consequence of it being the location of the White Rock Pavilion where I was required to play piano in various competitions in front of an audience (a hugely stressful but ultimately character forming experience from around my 9th to 12  birthdays) - over the years it has become a source of pleasant days out, good food and happy memories. 

Today was no exception as Dad, B and I headed down on a fairly mild and slightly overcast day pitching up a Roc-a- Nore at around lunchtime and meeting an old childhood friend J who has recently started working there - definitely a chance to kill two birds with one stone as I had not seen J for a couple of years due to the pandemic (and his mother sadly just past away so wanted to pass on condolences) as well as renewing our acquaintance with the various seafood shops next to the Old Town 

Our usual haunt Whites was closed for the day so we ate at a place called Taylor’s - opposite the Adventure golf - which did excellent mussels and Clam chowder and then had a brisk walk to the pier (Dad whizzing along on his scooter) for a cup of tea before heading back to the seafood shop to pick up a couple of huge crabs and a pint of prawns. 

Due to heading up the A21 and the school run, it took us a while to get back home but the crabs and prawns were definitely worth waiting for and a perfect day was topped off with a re-run of the weekends rugby.

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