V. continues to enjoy her Art and her creative writing and will most commonly be found engaged working on her latest drawing project on her IPad in her bedroom.
After a long period of remote learning, she is now back at school and, while she is still finding it a challenge, she seems to be a gradually getting used to the routine of in person teaching although due to the long periods that she was out of the classroom, she has a lot of ground to make up in terms of GCSE materials that she has missed.
For someone who has always prided herself on doing well in class this has proved a major cause of anxiety particularly with her mocks coming up after Christmas and her Exams in May - she is making good progress but there is a lot to be done so fingers crossed that she is able to continue on her upward trajectory.
She has maintained her close circle of friends (although most of their interactions are on line) and as the weather gets cooler she will hopefully feel more inclined to venture out and about a bit more and I am looking forward to resuming our rides together.
In terms of school subjects, English and Art remain favourites although most recently she has been full of anecdotes from her chemistry classes - as mentioned in an earlier blog, the interaction between students and various practical experiments has been a rich source of excitement and potential jeopardy which seems to delight and appall her in equal measure!