
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Well, hallo!

I cannot believe that it is nearly a year since I last posted anything on here! I think the strain of trying to post a message every day last November was to much for my (limited) creative abilities and it has taken nearly a year to recover!

Much has happened over the last year and I will (hopefully) recount a few of the tales over the next couple of weeks. We are now happily settled in to the land of sand and dates. Work is as frenetic as ever, and E, A and V. are all doing well.

V. is still very strong willed and knows her own mind. She is however, doing well at school and genuinely seems to be enjoying herself. Unlike her older brother, she loves drawing and writing, and has, since the Summer, been gradually getting to grips with her reading. Ballet is still going well and she also does drawing and gymnastics. When she is in the mood, she will talk the hind legs off a donkey (she is particualy adept at telling stories - usually as a bed time avoidance mechanism! Her plots need a little further development (they mainly involve fairies and stolen goods - her non-stop diet of Barbie films may be to blame for this!). She is also still the youngest and tallest member of her class.

A. is still mad keen on footy - coincidentally playing DESS Year 4 yesterday and only losing 2 - 0 which is a significant improvement on the thrashing that they received in the equivalnet Year 3 fixture last year. He is still as chatty and gregarious as always and has come on leaps and bounds at school - doing very well at Maths (certainly does not take after his parents...) and reading. Writing still needs a little work but is definietly improving. We have also started up cricket again on a Saturday morning at Safa Park - not quite the same as the Gappers in HKCC but with the cooler weather a geat way to spend a morning - the smell of fresh cut grass is dififult to beat.

He has also taken up the piano and whilst practice is a little hit or miss, he seems to take quite a pride in his playing - a recent conquest of "She'll be coming around the Mountain" being a case in point. Since the last post he has been on two camps - Year 3 1 night camp and Year 4 2 night camp. He seems to enjoy both (who wouldn't with the amount of kayacking/fishing and water sports that they seemed to involve) but it certianly shows he is becoming more independent. One other area of independence is his refusal to get his hair-cut. A slight trim was all he allowed after a 5 month refusal to visit the hairdresser so he is looking more like a teenager than ever. His recent 9th birthday involved a party with his friend G at Soccer Circus at Mirdiff - the dad's enjoying it as much as the 15 boys!

E. is doing well. She has a wide circle of friends mainly from School and the various kids activities and goes to her monthly book club with her friend K. We also try to go to the local pub quiz on Tuesday's with V. and R (although V. is not well at the moment and may have to go back to UK for an operation). With the arrival of the Winter, the weather is good and we are looking forward to some R & R at the forthcoming Eid break in RAK. Let's see if I can write the next post in less than a year!.

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