
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

7s Buzz

As I stutter towards the end of November safe in the knowlege that I did not even get close to posting a blog per day I have grabbed a spare couple of minutes to focus on the entertainment ahead. In fact the whole of this week has been hectic work and social-wise. Last night we maintained (despite an absence of around a month) our rather dismal run in the Fibber Magee quiz (not quite last but far from even mid-table respectability) although as usual the creative round saw Dad sporting our sloganised tee-shirt (I think he did the same during his last visit although this time we did not have the talents of R to assist in on the design side so our "Rugby 7s T shirt" paled in comparison with the other teams). I also caught up with a former collegue now based out in the Far East which allowed us to get the team together for a drink rather than the usual slogging away at work which was fun. The Main Event however is the 7s which starts tomorrow and National Day which felicitously falls tomorrow as well giving eevryone a day off (although it looks like I am going to have to work at least part of tomorrow and, more troubling, at leat part of Saturday which is also Finals day at the 7s). As a result, I have a fair amount of work and personal life juggling to do as the primary purpose of my Father's visit was to accompany me and the family to the 7s (although I am sure he would happy to attend on his own!!). However, a sop to my likely absence at work over the next few days has presented itself this morning with an offer of two tickets (including Dad) to the corporate hospitality box for one of the days which will at least give me something to offer to him by way of compensation. In any event, the 7s is always fun and I am sure a good time will be had by all even if we are not able to attend for as much of it as we would like.

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