As the end of post a day November finally hoves into view, it would be remiss for me not to provide an update on my favourite (and as she always reminds me, only) daughter V.
It has been a challenging time over the last year or so for her, mainly due to a nasty accident where she broke her leg (see previous posts). Thankfully she successfully had the pins removed in June (although the timing for a full anaesthetic operation during the lockdown was not great - almost as poor timing as A’s hospitalisation with a collapsed lung - also thankfully fully recovered the following month). Apart from a couple of small scars where the pins were inserted, her leg has completely healed and so she has been building her confidence gradually back up although she remains a little anxious among crowds of people and has been distance-learning since the schools returned in September.
Whilst not ideal, the distance learning seems to be going OK and her teachers seem to be generally pleased with her progress. She remains a big fan of art and can spend literally hours drawing on the art app on her I-pad - she has also set up her own “virtual” business where she accepts commissions to create /draw avatars in return for virtual currency which can apparently be converted into real currency.
She is an avid Minecraft fan (as her brother was at the same age - and on the quiet probably still is) and is quite happy to put her head phones on and draw or entertain herself in the corner of the lounge. She also dotes on our cat Minnie who seems to feature very heavily in the numerous pictures that for some reason end up in my IPhone photo library.
Although a couple of her friends have now left Dubai she still has a good friendship group from School - one of whom lives very nearby and another who will shortly be our near neighbour which is good news. She remains tall for her age having overtaken her Mother in height and towering over her friends. Having recovered from her broken leg she has also returned to her habit of dancing around in a day dream.
Although she is focusing more on her art at the moment, she is still a keen writer and is currently getting to grips with Frankenstein in her English Lit. Never one to shy away from an argument, she also remains a keen debater although due to Covid, debate ECA is currently not being run much to her chagrin but hopefully it will return soon.